03:14 PM - Jun 30 03:14 PM
The single-phase anti-theft electric energy meter can be roughly divided into the following two according to the functional principle: One is that when the user uses several methods to steal electricity through the electric energy meter, the electric energy meter can still measure or measure faster. Most tables are of this type. The other is that when the user steals electricity after passing through the energy meter, the energy meter immediately cuts off the power, and automatically resumes power supply after the electricity theft stops. The first function principle of anti-theft electric energy meter The general electric energy meter counter is changed to a bidirectional counter with a reversing wheel mechanism. This counter is a patented product. When the user changes the current, the polarity of the voltage coil, uses electrical appliances (the principle is to change the phase of the current and voltage), or otherwise reverses the aluminum plate of the energy meter, the counter keeps the energy meter through the reversing mechanism. Counting up makes the user unable to count down the counter due to the above methods. Therefore, the anti-theft electric energy meter has the functions of anti-reverse and anti-reverse. The hook of the voltage coil in the junction box of the ordinary energy meter. Once removed, the energy meter will not rotate due to the loss of power of the voltage coil, but the user can continue to use electricity. The anti-theft energy meter adds another voltage in the meter cover Hook, the hook in the junction box is removed, and there are still hooks in the meter that cannot be removed, making it impossible for users to steal electricity by this means. Many power stolen households discovered by the power supply department during the business census have removed the voltage hook to steal electricity. The current coil assembly is composed of the original single-wound main current coil and a reverse-wound secondary current coil. The forward and reverse winding of the main and auxiliary current coils are connected in series into the meter. The main coil of the anti-theft meter is more general There are many primary coil windings in the table, which just increases the number of turns of the secondary winding of the reverse winding, so that after the primary and secondary current coils are connected in series, the secondary winding of the secondary winding exactly cancels the positive winding of the primary winding. It is equal to the original number of turns of the general table. Assuming DD862-5 (10) A meter, the current coil of the general meter is 8 turns, and the secondary current coil of the anti-theft energy meter is 4 turns (reverse winding part), then the main current coil should be 8+4=12 turns. After the main and auxiliary current coils are connected in series, the 4 turns of the reverse winding cancel the 4 turns of the positive winding. In fact, there are still only 8 turns of the positive winding, which is the same as the number of turns of the general current coil. 2 Second anti-theft electric energy meter function principle    This anti-theft electric energy meter adds a controller in the meter. The controller is composed of transformer, relay and electronic circuit. The zero line of the phase line of the main loop passes through the coil of the zero-sequence current transformer. During normal working hours, the currents on the two lines are equal, and the directions are opposite. The signals induced in the transformer cancel each other and the output signal is 0. When the user When stealing electricity by various means, the currents of the incoming and outgoing wires are different, and the currents of the two wires are not equal. When the value exceeds a certain value, the relay will trip and power off. This function is also suitable for leakage protection, so regardless of leakage or stealing electricity, The electric energy meter is immediately powered off. After eliminating the above methods of stealing electricity and leakage, the power supply will be automatically restored immediately. Zhejiang Tepsung Electric Meter Co., Ltd . is a manufacturer and supplier of single phase energy meter , three phase electricity meter , mechanical kWh meter and digital energy meters. We have established a mature and professional team in the design, production and sales of electric meters. Welcome to buy: https://www.yhddb.com/
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