1. Analysis of measurement error of electric energy meter The accurate measurement of the energy meter must have two conditions: one is that the disk speed is proportional to the power, and the braking torque is proportional to the disk speed; second, the friction torque is equal to the compensation torque. However, in real life, the friction torque and the disc speed change in an irregular function form, which is not a constant constant; due to the core material, the energy meter under different load conditions does not have a magnetic flux and current. There is a strictly proportional relationship. Therefore, the energy meter will inevitably produce errors in actual measurement. In addition, the energy meter also includes measurement errors due to wiring errors and disconnection (loss of voltage, current interruption). Second, the measurement model The measurement error of the energy meter is mainly caused by the selection of the energy meter, the improper use and the current transformer, and the secondary conductor voltage drop of the voltage transformer. The comprehensive error ε can be expressed by the following formula: ε=εw+εTA+εTV+εr Where: εw-energy meter error, %; εTA-current transformer error, %; εTV-voltage transformer error, %; εr-measurement error caused by the voltage drop of the secondary conductor of the voltage transformer, %. 3. Adjustment of measurement error of electric energy meter 1. First of all, it is necessary to judge whether the meter is qualified according to the metrological verification regulations. 2. Reasonably select the location of the measurement point (as close as possible to the site), reduce the secondary load of the transformer and the loss of the secondary circuit, and improve the accuracy of the measurement. 3. Reasonably select the current transformer transformation ratio to ensure that the transformer operates within a high precision range. For the secondary voltage of the voltage transformer, a voltage compensator is adopted for the over-standard measuring circuit to compensate the ratio difference and angular difference caused by the voltage of the secondary conductor. 4. Through the reasonable selection of electric energy meters and transformers to reduce the comprehensive error of the metering device. In addition, in order to reduce the comprehensive error of measurement, it is also possible to select the metering device that is newly put into operation and transformation, which requires that both the electric energy meter and the transformer must meet the technical management regulations of the electric energy metering device, and select the appropriate accuracy level according to the load category, and Do all kinds of testing work before putting into production; in the future operation management, periodic inspection and rotation system should be implemented according to the regulations. Zhejiang Tepsung Electric Meter Co., Ltd is a manufacturer and wholesaler of digital kWh meter . "Safety, accuracy, stability" is our responsibility and a commitment to our customers. Has obtained international certificates and type test reports. Welcome to consult and order: https://www.yhddb.com/
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