According to the accuracy level: ordinary installed energy meter (0.2S, 0.5S,, 2.0 level) and portable precision energy meter (0.01, 0.05, 0.2 level) classification According to usage: active energy meter, reactive energy meter, maximum demand meter, standard energy meter, time-sharing meter with multiple rates, prepaid energy meter (sub-coin type, magnetic card type, electric card type), loss energy meter , Multi-function electric energy meter and intelligent electric energy meter According to working principle: induction type (mechanical type), static type (electronic type), electromechanical integrated type (hybrid type) According to the nature of the connected power supply: AC meter, DC meter According to the structure: integral type, split type According to the access phase line: single-phase, three-phase three-wire, three-phase four-wire energy meter According to the accuracy level: ordinary installed energy meter (0.2S, 0.5S,, 2.0 level) and portable precision energy meter (0.01, 0.05, 0.2 level) According to the installation wiring method: direct access type, indirect access type Model meaning Part One: Category Code: D: Electric Energy Meter Part II: Group code: According to the phase line: D—single phase S—three phases and three lines T—three phases and four lines According to usage: B—standard  D—multifunctional  J—DC X—reactive power Z—maximum demand  F—recovery rate  S: fully electronic Y—prepayment H—total consumption L—long life A—ampere hour meter Part III: Design serial number: expressed in Arabic numerals, such as 862, 864, etc. Part 4: Improved serial number: expressed in lowercase Chinese Pinyin letters Part 5: Derived number  T—Damp heat and dry heat  TH—Damp tropical  G—Plateau  H—Marine  F—Chemical anticorrosion K—Switch plate type  J—Pulse energy meter with receiver Zhejiang Tepsung Electric Meter Co., Ltd . is a professional China manufacturer and supplier of Electromechanical KWh Meter and three phase meter . We specialize in the field of electronic and electromechanical energy meters. The measurement accuracy and accuracy of the instrument strictly abide by the national standards. We pass strict testing procedures to ensure the quality of our products. New energy, energy distribution, big data and energy value-added services are our core businesses. Welcome to consult and order:
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