Wide range electric energy meter. In recent years, due to the improvement of residents' living standards, more and more household appliances have been installed with large capacity, but the possibility of simultaneous use is small. If you choose an old-style single-range electric energy meter, the rated current is selected too large. When the actual load is very small, the operating current may be lower than 10% of the rated current of the electric energy meter and the measurement is inaccurate; otherwise, if the rated current of the electric energy meter is selected too small, once If household appliances are used at the same time, the electric energy meter may burn out due to overload. The wide-range electric energy meter can overcome the above problems. As long as the total current of the household appliances used is within the rated current range of the electric energy meter, it can be safely and accurately measured. Therefore, the electric energy meters installed by residents in the transformation of rural power grids and urban power grids are generally long-life, wide-range power meters. The wide range electric energy meter is also called the high overload multiple electric energy meter, and its overload capacity can reach 2 to 4 times. That is, the rated current of this electric energy meter is not a fixed value, but an elastic range. If the single-phase meter nameplate is marked: Class 2.0, 220V, 10 (40) A, it means that the overload capacity of the meter is 4 times; when the rated current of the electric energy meter is within 10 to 40 A, the accuracy can still meet the requirements of class 2.0 . However, the overload capacity of a 2.0-level, 220V, 10A ordinary electric energy meter is generally only 1.5 to 2 times. Zhejiang Tepsung Electric Meter Co., Ltd . is one of the professional manufacturers of single phase energy meter and mechanical kWh meter . Single-phase electronic watt-hour meters have the characteristics of high accuracy, low power consumption, small starting current, wide load range, and no mechanical wear, so they are more and more widely used. Our products can only be installed after passing very strict tests to ensure quality. We are your wise choice: https://www.yhddb.com/product/electromechanical-kwh-meter/
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