Cosmetic Silicones Manufacturers Introduces The Precautions For The Use Of Silicon

Cosmetic Silicones Manufacturers introduced that silicon contains unique sensory advantages such as softness, silkiness, smoothness, and beauty. Therefore, it can be added to lotions, body washes, shampoos, care mousses, styling hair gels, sunscreens, makeup, antiperspirants and Among other products. As long as you add 1:1 silicone in 300 grams of rinse-off conditioner, you can double the dry combability and increase the gloss by 20%.

Because once the silicon touches the hair, it will fill up the gaps between the hair scales, resulting in a smooth touch, and the hair quality seems to be better after washing! Therefore, ordinary people often mistakenly think that this is because silicon has the effect of nourishing hair. However, due to the insoluble property of silicon in water, the silicon that has been coated on the hair cannot be cleaned thoroughly the next time it is used. The number of times of use is continuously covering the outer layer of the hair, which causes the hair to be thick and gradually lose its elasticity, and the pores are blocked and unable to breathe. As a result of insufficient oxygen permeability, the dermal papilla that affects the health of the scalp will gradually shrink, and the scalp is also prone to itching, and may even be complicated by the sequelae of hair loss and hair loss.

On the contrary, the first time you use a silicone-free shampoo, it will wash away the layers of silicon and gradually leak out the damaged hair. It will also make ordinary people mistakenly think that silicone-free shampoo is not easy to use, not soft and smooth enough, and stick to it. Using it will make the scalp healthier and the hair will gradually become softer and more elastic.

Cosmetic Silicones Manufacturers Introduces The Precautions For The Use Of Silicon Cosmetic Silicones Manufacturers introduced that silicon contains unique sensory advantages such as softness, silkiness, smoothness, and beauty. Therefore, it can be added to lotions, body washes, shampoos, care mousses, styling hair gels, sunscreens, makeup, antiperspirants and Among other products. As long as you add 1:1 silicone in 300 grams of rinse-off conditioner, you can double the dry combability and increase the gloss by 20%. Because once the silicon touches the hair, it will fill up the gaps between the hair scales, resulting in a smooth touch, and the hair quality seems to be better after washing! Therefore, ordinary people often mistakenly think that this is because silicon has the effect of nourishing hair. However, due to the insoluble property of silicon in water, the silicon that has been coated on the hair cannot be cleaned thoroughly the next time it is used. The number of times of use is continuously covering the outer layer of the hair, which causes the hair to be thick and gradually lose its elasticity, and the pores are blocked and unable to breathe. As a result of insufficient oxygen permeability, the dermal papilla that affects the health of the scalp will gradually shrink, and the scalp is also prone to itching, and may even be complicated by the sequelae of hair loss and hair loss. On the contrary, the first time you use a silicone-free shampoo, it will wash away the layers of silicon and gradually leak out the damaged hair. It will also make ordinary people mistakenly think that silicone-free shampoo is not easy to use, not soft and smooth enough, and stick to it. Using it will make the scalp healthier and the hair will gradually become softer and more elastic.
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